E Tū Tāngata

What if we lived in a world where everyone had the resources, support and mindset to live up to their potential? That's the question at the heart of E Tū Tāngata, a new social movement tackling tall poppy syndrome in New Zealand.
We helped further the mission by developing a digital knowledge kete to provide videos, stories, workshops, interviews and resources for the hundreds of schools, businesses, sports teams and whānau working to apply the E Tū Tāngata mindset.
The Kete was custom developed to perfectly suit E Tū Tāngata's needs. Some of the features include: Account creation and management, custom resource templates to fit all kinds of content from video to documents, deep searching and filtering options, personalised content based on user interests, plus both collections and categories for organisation.

Pay it forward
A key aspect of the E Tū Tāngata is 'Paying it Forward'. Anyone can use the kete for free and everyone is encouraged to pay it forward for someone else. We developed a fun pay it forward page that quickly demostrates how even a small donation can empower loads of people.
Through an integration with Stripe, we offer both one off and recurring donations. Everyone who donates can choose to appear on the might 'Wall of Awesome' which is a thank you too all who pay it forward.